SPIRIT, agent of divine potency is the theme of Number 08 of the Revue Spirite.
Watch the Live with some of the writers who collaborated on this Issue.❤️
⏰ SAVE THE DATE July 3rd, Sunday
13:00 MX | 14:00 pm NY | 15:00 BR | 19:00 PT | 20:00 CET
? Watch live
#JussaraKorngold #VitorFéria #AndréHenriqueSiqueira #JorgeDaher #AluizioFerreiraElias
#DeniseLino #AdrianaPaula #LigiaCarvalho #ManuelCosta #IsmaelMoura
#RevueSpirite #SPIRIT #GOD #Spiritism #Jesus #Kardec #Christ #Charity #ACSE #SpiritistSocialCommunication #FEP #CEI
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