Parabéns Divaldo Franco
Na formosa Bahia, gloriosa terra nasce o semeador divulgador da nova era o pequeno Divaldo viu espírito logo cedo…
Divaldo, a Knight of Goodness
Divaldo a Knight of goodness ! From the state of Bahia came a knight Who by Jesus was called to the fight…
Message 15th March 2020
Message from Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, on 15/03/2020, in Pinhais/Paraná, through the mediumship of Divaldo Franco Jesus, my children, is the zenith and the nadir of our speculations. We have…
Glorious Victory of Light over darkness
Message 10th de novembro de 2019. Beloved children! May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ remain in our hearts!