
The ISC is constituted by the National Unification Institutions of the Spiritist Movement (Confederations, Federations, Unions, etc.) duly organized and legitimately constituted, henceforth called Member Institutions.


The ISC is constituted by the following management and control bodies: General Assembly, Executive Committee, Fiscal Committee

Executive Committee

The ISC is administered by an Executive Committee, composed of twelve Member Institutions, which will have the responsibility of executing and monitoring  the deliberations collectively taken by the ISC in its General Assembly and putting the objectives established by the relevant Statute-Laws into practice.

The Members of the Executive Committee shall act collectively and within an integrated manner in order to comply with ISC’ decisions.

ISC’s Executive Committee for the 2023 – 2025 triennium

Secretary General – 
 United States – Jussara Pretti Korngold

Jussara Korngold is the General Secretary of the International Spiritist Council, former President, and current Vice-President of the United States Spiritist Federation, and Executive Director of the TriState Spiritist Federation. Jussara is one of the founders and president of the New York Spiritist Group. She is a writer and translator, having worked on the translation and publication of Spiritist books and materials since 1993. She is also fluent in four languages (Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish). Jussara Korngold, who holds a degree in Economics with a postgraduate specialization in finance, works in social assistance for underprivileged children in Brazil, holding the position of Executive Director of the Dara Institute, New York (Brazil Child Health, Inc).


First Secretary –  Chile – Edmeire Possanho

Edmeire Possanho is Executive Secretariat with a specialization in Executive Writing, developed at the Pontifical Catholic University/ PUC – Chile, and Complementary Therapist.
Worker at the Buena Nueva Spiritist Study Center, where she has held various executive positions and is currently the treasurer.
Co-founder of the Chilean Spiritist Federation – FEDECHI and currently serving as secretary.”


Second Secretary – Portugal – Vítor Féria

Vítor Mora Féria is an Engineer. President of the Portuguese Spiritist Federation (FEP) since 2010 and currently 2nd Secretary of the International Spiritist Council. He takes part in FEP’s social bodies since the 80’s and took part in the establishment of FEP’s current headoffice. He was also responsible for the formation of several Spiritist Centres in Portugal. He is a member of the International Spiritist Council (ISC) since its formation and has been carrying out several posts therein since 1993. He was responsible for the organization of several Congresses within the national and international scope, namely the 8th World Spiritist Congress (WSC), as Secretary of the ISC.


First Treasurer – Brazil – Hélio Blume

Helio Blume is a veterinarian, doctor on Animal Science, professor and Secretary General of Brazil’s Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine. He works as Higher Education Appraiser of Brazil’s Education Ministry. He has been a spiritist worker for more than 40 years and Director of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) since 2008. He worked out several courses such as ESDE, EADE and Medianimity and currently coordinates the Doctrinal Studies Unit and the area of Spiritual Counselling of the National Federation Council (CFN-FEB)


Second Treasure – Cuba – Manuel de la Cruz 

Manuel de la Cruz is director and international representative of the Sociedad Amor y Caridad Universal (Universal Love and Charity Society) in Havana, Cuba, vice-president of the Sociedad de Estudios e Investigacion Cientifica de los Fenomenos Espirituales (Society for Studies and Scientific Research of the Spiritual Phenomena). Working as accountant, Manuel de la Cruz promotes the unification of all spiritist societies in Cuba and their integration into the International Spiritist Council. He was a member of the directive committee for the 7th World Spiritist Congress in 2013.


I. Administration of the Spiritist Centre Uruguay – Eduardo Dos Santos + (Peru,  Brazil, Germany)

Eduardo Dos Santos Camacho is member of the CEI Executive Committee, coordinates the Management Area. He is currently Vice President of the Uruguayan Spiritist Federation, of which he was also President. In 2001 he coordinated the 1st South American Spiritist Congress of Uruguay. In 2008 he founded the Society of Studies “For the Fraternity” in Maldonado- Uruguay. For eleven years he has participated weekly in the “Mirada al Este” program, in the city of Punta del Este, in a space about Spiritist Doctrine. He is a professional businessman and administrator.


 II. Study of Spiritism – Spain – David Estany + (Brasil, Canadá Suíça)

David Estany is president of FEE – Spanish Spiritist Federation



III. Study and Practice of Medianimity – United States – Tania Schwartz + (Germany, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, United States, Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela)

Tania Schwartz is the current president of the United States Spiritist Federation, responsible for organizing national Spiritist events and promoting Spiritism in the English language. Tania is also one of the founders and the current president of the Kardec Spiritist Group of Austin, in the Texas capital. She has collaborated in various roles at Spiritist centers in Brazil, France, and the United States. Tania holds a Bachelor’s degree in Language and Literature and has professional experience in marketing.


IV. Childhood, Youth and Family – Brazil – Miriam Masotti Dusi + (Bolívia, Irlanda, Bélgica, Canadá, Suécia, Alemanha, El Salvador e Itália)

Miriam Masotti Dusi is director of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), national coordinator of the Children’s and Youth Section of the National Federative Council of FEB, and advisor to the Commission for Children, Youth, and Family of the International Spiritist Council. The unifying activities developed by the Commission, in an integrated and collegiate manner, cover the energizing of Spiritist activities for children, youth, and family, the training of Spiritist workers, among other pathways aimed at expanding and continually strengthening the Spiritist mission. Professionally, she is a psychologist and educator.


V. Spiritual Counselling – Uruguay – Anyela Nuñez + (Peru, Brazil, Canada)

Anyela Nuñez President of the Federación Espirita Uruguaya, in her third consecutive term, since 2019. Coordinator of the EFA of the F.E.U.
Coordinator of the AAE in the South American Spiritualist Congresses of Paraguay, Chile, Colombia and Bolivia. Founder of the Centro Espirita Por la Fraternidad, in 2008, in Maldonado, Uruguay. Profession: Bank Manager


VI. Spiritist Assistance and Social Promotion – Guatemala – Wendy Castañón + ( Brazil, Spain and Cuba)

Wendy Castañón was born into a spiritist family. Spiritist worker for more than 15 years in the Cadena Heliosophica Guatemalteca, she gives spiritist conferences, works in the area of mediumship and fraternal assistance, a precursor of the work of evangelisation of children and young people and social assistance in the highlands, as well as in Guatemala City. For 10 years she was director of the Spiritist school founded by Genaro Bravo Rabanales; she supports the work of the CEI since the World Spiritist Congress in Cuba. She is a public accountant and auditor with an MBA in business administration.


VII. Spiritist Media – Portugal – Marcial Barros + (Portugal, Brazil,  Bolivia, Canadá,Italia, El Salvadir, Mexico, Suiça, Uruguaye USA)

Marcial Barros is the coordinator of the Communication, Technology and Communication Area of the FEP – Portuguese Spiritist Federation; President of the Board of Directors of the NO INVISÍVEL Association – Association for Spiritist Studies and Dissemination – Lisbon, Portugal; Responsible for the 2ºWSC – World Spiritist Congress,  1998 web-site – Lisbon; Spiritist since childhood.

Fiscal Committee: Comissão Fiscal: Guatemala, Mexico and Ireland