The Study and Practice of Mediumship Department of the International Spiritist Council invites you to join a special Live event in the new series: “Dialogues on Mediumship: Questions and Answers.”
In this first event in Portuguese, we will have Jacobson Trovão as a guest, who will address the topic: ‘I am a Medium. Now What?
Jacobson Trovão, Coordinator of the Mediumship Area at FEB (Federação Espírita Brasileira), CFN (National Spiritist Council) in Brasília, Brazil.
LIVE – Sunday, February 16, 2025
CET 3:00 PM | Lisbon 2:00 PM | Brasília 11:00 AM | New York 9:00 AM | Central America 8:00 AM
Don’t miss this moment of sharing and learning!