Plurality of Existences – Progressive Improvement of Humanity is the theme of Issue No.14 of Revue Spirite – The Spiritist Review.
In this issue of the Revue, we encounter new perspectives on the theme of the Plurality of Existences, whether understood in the strict sense of reincarnation itself or expanded to the experiences of the Spirit in other planes beyond the physical realm. The theme is comprehensive and offers multiple possibilities, yet it converges on one principle – that these multiple experiences contribute to the progressive improvement of Humanity. In a time of profound physical and moral upheavals, this certainty encourages and inspires us daily, reminding us that we are a small part of this gigantic human machinery and that our, albeit tiny, conscious contribution cooperates with Great Souls for the triumph of good and progress among us.
Watch Live with some of the writers who collaborated on this issue.
SAVE THE DATE January 07, 2024
13:00 MX | 14:00 pm NY | 16:00 BR | 19:00 PT | 20:00 CET
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