SPIRIT, Immortal and Indestructible is the theme of Issue 07 of Revue Spirite.
Watch the Live with some of the editors who collaborated on this Issue.
Participate and invite your friends! We are waiting for you anywhere in the WORLD!❤️
⏰ SAVE THE DATE 03 April, Sunday
13:00 MX | 14:00 pm NY | 15:00 BR | 19:00 PT | 20:00 CET
? live
#JussaraKorngold #VitorFéria #DairsonGonçalves #CaucideSáRoriz #MárciaLéon
#EvandroNoletoBezerra #VicentePessoa #ManuelaVieira #TaniaSchwartz #AndréSiqueira
#RevueSpirite #ESPIRITO #DEUS #Espiritismo #Jesus #Kardec #Cristo #Caridade #ACSE #ComunicaçãoSocialEspírita #FEP #CEI