Plurality of Worlds – The conditions of existence are suited to the environment is the theme of Issue 18 of the Revue Spirite – The Spiritist Magazine.
Human intelligence, in its quest to understand the meaning of existence, has always been awed by the infinite mysteries that surround us. From the exploration of the universe of the soul to the complexities of the external world, knowledge unfolds with new goals, despite its limited scope.
Forever eager for more, humanity has dreamed of other worlds and stars, longing to find beings like itself, beyond the known spaces of the Earth.
The insights shared by those who have advanced along the path of evolution offer clues for deeper reflection, as well as new mysteries. Drawing from the teachings of Spiritism and integrating them with other fields of human knowledge, our authors present, in this issue of the Revue, material that invites the reader to engage in profound thought and contemplation.
The higher Spirits revealed to Allan Kardec that, in regard to the Plurality of Inhabited Worlds, “the conditions of existence are appropriate to the environment.”[1] Expanding on this general statement, the noble Spirit Emmanuel explains that while it is difficult to imagine physical life similar to that on Earth in other parts of the Universe due to the “substantial laws that govern each evolutionary plane,” the understanding that humanity is “the spiritual family of all of God’s creatures” allows us to place the “terrestrial community” within the “universal collectivity.” [2] In diverse spaces, dimensions, and vibrations, God incessantly creates. As an attribute, He grants each child the intelligence to be developed, offering everyone, from that moment on, the invitation to reflect on this.
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[1] KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits’ Book, Question. 58.
[2] XAVIER, Francisco C. The Consoler, Question 73.