Message 10th de novembro de 2019
Beloved children! May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ remain in our hearts!
The night falls!…
The glorious days of Science and state of the art technology are shadowed by the discomfort of human feelings that seem deranged everywhere. Nonconformity, despair and suffering stain the present generation as a consequence of misuses of free will in past days. We all longed for these to be peaceful times, sheltered by the knowledge that liberates us from ignorance and has provided comfort and well-being to many; more rarely, balance and peace. The Earthly vessel undergoes terrible waves in a sea disturbed by the concepts of madness and disharmony. However, Christ, as the Divine Navigator, watches over and leads the vessel into the safe harbor. Likely, some pains will prove to be massive and terrifying. It happens, however, that rebellious souls only acquiesce when facing afflictions that force them to follow the guiding principles of fraternity and love.
Spiritism arose at the right time, when Philosophy wandered through various denominations during the Age of Reason. And today, once more, the message of humankind’s redemption reaches human beings with the Philosophy of Good being the only one capable of providing fullness and hope almost no longer expected. Do not be discouraged; do not allow moodiness and painful obligations that surround your steps and try to infiltrate your home to achieve the success that is often enabled by invigilance. Be vigilant and try to keep your inner balance as much as possible. This is the great moment the Scriptures foretold where these changes would occur and reach their peak.
Through the experiences lived during the days of the National Federative Council, we were able to pacify hearts and support illuminating ideas in the spirit of Primitive Christianity. We cannot live Spiritism without the moral compass of Jesus’ Gospel. Humankind is tired of words and thirsts for actions. You’re the living examples of the Gospel and must persevere in the sacred purpose of comforting those who weep, not only offering them solace but also showing them the way by which they may find the aspired happiness.
The testimonials that all of us, discarnate and incarnate Spirits in perfect communion, must offer are very grave, as did the first Martyrs of the Christian faith. In those days of the distant past, persecution originated from the outside. Now, anguish and pain emerge from the inside due to the terrible disturbances brought on by the enemies of Light, who are disguised as missionaries of a New Age. Yes, the New Age will characterize the greatness of love in the practice of charity to terrestrial humankind. Brazil remains invited to perform the mission entrusted to Ishmael by the Divine Master. And now, troubled by passions and vile interests, the serenity of faith becomes imperative so that we can face the terrible viruses of cruelty, materialism and indifference, for the love we have for nature’s living forces, that are centered on the human creature.
You may ask: “why should we behave meekly and peacefully, during these difficult moments of violence, when everything seems to demand drastic responses of the ever-increasing perverse violence?”
The example is Jesus, the Lamb of God, sacrificed on a cross of shame that He transformed into wings for the purification of all Spirits. Do not quibble nor allow yourselves to weaken while fighting. It is the fire that purifies metals, provides resistance to clay and changes landscapes.
Pain is the messenger offered by God to those whom He loves so much that, once branded by suffering, find themselves with no alternative except to march towards the purifying Calvary. This might seem to be a masochistic proposal in which pain is preferred. However, this is not about this pathological issue. Earth is still a planet of trials and atonements, and we find ourselves searching for the purification of our inferior passions that remain as a dangerous inheritance of our past that should have been overcome by now, but have not. Nevertheless, just after the gloomy night, the dawn gently rises with the stars of joy in a morning of blessings and consolations towards the glorious life of immortality!
Children of my heart! It wasn’t you who applied, it was the Lord of Life who appeared at dusk and invited you at the last minute to the harvest of redemption. Rejoice because your wage will be the same as that of the heroes of the first hour and exult because you’re already standing by the Vineyard Owner who will soon be summoning you to be held accountable, as you will show him the glorious result of the victory of light against darkness. You’re under special care. Not only from Ishmael, but also from the whole team that watches over the planet in such a decisive moment, one of the most defining moments in Earth’s history: the great leap into the Age of Happiness.
In the name of the Spiritist Spirits who are with you introducing a period of understanding your differences, compassion for your opponents, understanding of your adversaries with the willingness to embrace them all in order to present them to the Master, leader of the flock to which you belong, we rejoice and exalt Him who remains in the search of the truth and life, that is Jesus. Peace be with you children of my heart! This is what your ever-humble and paternal friend Bezerra wishes you. Much peace!
(Psychophonic message voiced by the Spirit Bezerra de Menezes through the medium Divaldo Pereira Franco on November 10, 2019, during the closing of the ordinary meeting of the National Federative Council of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation held in Brasilia, DF). Message reviewed by the spiritual author.