As part of the celebration of the 160th Anniversary of The Mediums’ Book, Walter Velásquez andWalter Velásquez Jrrepresenting El Salvador performs the fourth in a series of twenty-two reflections on the content of this work.
Walter Velásquez is Vice President of the Asociación Salvadoreña de Escuelas Espíritas. Director of Estudios Espiritas en la Escuela Espírita Cátedra Mesías Guatemala Branch. Asesor de Juventud Espírita Salvadoreña. He is a member of the CEI Social Assistance and Social Promotion Commission.
ISC – International Spiritist Council – LIVE “The Mediums’ Book” – Walter Velásquez – April 5th, 2021, at1 9h00 El Salvador
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