LIVE – 04 da Revue Spirite

“God – Providence, Wisdom, Harmony” is the theme of issue 04 of Revue Spirite.

We invite you to attend Live with the editors who collaborated on this issue.

The meeting will take place on Sunday, July 4th.

15h00 MEX | 16h00 NY | 17h00 BR | 21h00 PT | 22h00 CET

Take part and invite your friends! We are waiting for you anywhere in the WORLD!

#JussaraKorngold #VitorFéria #Daniel Assisi #Jorge Camargo #SamuelNunes #Simão Pedro #Thiago Barbosa #JorgeGodinho

Follow live

#RevueSpirite #DEUS #Espiritismo #Jesus #Kardec #Deus #Cristo #Caridade #ACSE #ComunicaçãoSocialEspírita #FEB #FEP #CEI


Jul 04 - 05 2021
International Spiritist Council


International Spiritist Council
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