New Release Revue Spirite N10
LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT, consequences last as long as the cause that produced them is the theme of Number 10 of Revue Spirite.
Watch Live with some of the editors who contributed to this Issue.❤️
⏰ SAVE THE DATE January 8th, Sunday
13:00 MX | 14:00 pm NY | 16:00 BR | 19:00 PT | 20:00 CET
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#JussaraKorngold #JoséAlbertodaCostaMachado #AloisioFlávioFerreiradeAlmeida #DalvaSilvaSouza #CláudiaLucas #ManuelaVieira #EspíritoBezerradeMenezes #JoséOtávioAguiar #JoséPereiradeSousaJúnior #ManuelDeLaCruz #DavidEstany #AndréHenriqueSiqueira
#RevueSpirite #LEI #CAUSAEFEITO #Espiritismo #Jesus #Kardec #Cristo #Caridade #ACSE #ComunicaçãoSocialEspírita #CEI #FEP