Inscrições Abertas!
Este é evento voltado aos trabalhadores e interessados na área de evangelização infanto-juvenil.
Local: Montreal, QC – Canadá
Data do evento: 29, 30 e 31 de maio de 2020
ENAEE 2020
Inspirado pelo 1º Encontro Nacional de Evangelizadores Espíritas que aconteceu em 2018 na cidade Guarapari (ES), quando alguns evangelizadores lançaram a proposta de realizar um Encontro Norte-americano de Evangelizadores Espíritas, em Montreal, QC – Canadá.
Com este projeto buscamos semear o desejo e convite fraternal aos nossos irmãos evangelizadores dos Estados Unidos, do México e do Canadá a integrarem esta proposta humilde de troca de experiências e aprendizado coletivo, potencializando assim nossas forças para atender ao chamado do Mestre: “Deixai vir a mim os pequeninos” (Mateus 19:14).
This is an event for workers and supporters of the children and youth spiritist education. The event will be held in Montreal, QC – Canada on May 29, 30 and 31, 2020.
Inspired by the 1st National Meeting of Spiritist Evangelizers that took place in 2018 in Guarapari (ES-Brazil), some volunteers launched the proposal to hold a North American Spiritist Educators Workshop. With this project we seek to sow a fraternal invitation to our brothers and sisters from United States, Mexico and Canada to take part of this humble duty to exchange experiences and learn together, thus enhancing our strengths to answer the Master’s call: “Let the little children come to me” (Matthew 19:14).
May 29-31, 2020
Friday: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am to 13:00 pm
UQAM – Université du Québec à Montréal
320 St Catherine St E, Montreal, H2X 1L7
May 29, 2020 (Friday)
6:00 pm Reception and check-in
7:30 pm Opening Ceremony
8:00 pm Conference: “Let the little ones come to me”, with Alberto Almeida
May 30, 2020 (Saturday)
08:30 am Music reception and opening activities
09:00 am Conference: “Think, feel and act with Jesus and Kardec”, with Miriam Dusi
09:30 am Forum: “Appreciation of life with the new generations”, with Alberto Almeida, Sandra Borba and Miriam Dusi
– Workshop 1: “How We Learned”, with Lúcia Moysés
– Workshop 2: “Art in Spiritist Education”, with Ney Wendell
– Workshop 3: “Creative Resources for Youth Activities”, with Nádia Mattar-Went and Cristina Cabral
– Workshop 4: To be confirmed
10:45 am Break
11:15 am Forum: “Relationship between parents and spiritist educators”, with Alberto Almeida, Sandra Borba and Lúcia Moysés
– Workshop 5: To be confirmed
– Workshop 6: To be confirmed
– Workshop 7: “Readers Development (Childhood)” with Miriam Dusi
– Workshop 8: To be confirmed
12:30 pm Lunch
14:00 Music reception and re-opening activities
14:30 Conference: “Protagonism: the action spots with children and youth” with Sandra Borba
15:00 Forum: “Appreciation of life with the new generations” with Alberto Almeida, Sandra Borba and Miriam Dusi
– Workshop 1: “How We Learned” with Lucia Moysés
– Workshop 2: “Art in Spiritist Education” with Ney Wendell
– Workshop 3: “Creative Resources for Youth Activities” with Nádia Mattar-Went and Cristina Cabral
– Workshop 4: To be confirmed
16:15 Break
16:45 Forum: “Relationship between parents and spiritist educators” with Alberto Almeida, Sandra Borba and Lúcia Moysés
– Workshop 5: To be confirmed
– Workshop 6: To be confirmed
– Workshop 7: “Readers Development (Childhood)” with Miriam Dusi
– Workshop 8: To be confirmed
6:00 pm Saturday Activity Closure
May 31, 2020 (Sunday)
08:30 am Music reception and opening of activities
09:00 am Forum: “Overview of Current State of the Spiritist Education in North America” with Erick Martins (CSC), Ligia Fagundes (USSF), Glory (CEM), Miriam Dusi (FEB)
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Conference: “Spirtitist Education in Times of Planetary Transition” with Sandra Borba
12:30 pm Closing Ceremony
$75 (Canadinan Dollars)
+1 (403) 561-9497 |